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Friday, 16 September 2011

Logistics Model paper set 6(without case studies) for exam preparation(BMS SEM 5)

Model Test-1
Section A:
1.          What do you understand by inbound and outbound logistics? Explain with example.
2.          What are the main objectives of material handling system design? What are the various types of material handling equipment used in a manufacturing plant?
3.          Explain the importance and significant features of Logistical Information System
1.        Write Short notes on any five of following:-                             
1.1. Stages of logistical organization and their development.
1.2. Importance in Logistics Management
1.3. Benefits of Mission based costing
1.4. Discuss manual, mechanical & automatic material handling system
1.5. Enumerate and explain economic and service benefits of warehouses.
1.6. Describe the components of internal and external performance measurement
2.        Critically examine the application of ABC analysis in Inventory Management. Give a numerical example                                   OR
3.        Explain 1)What are Logistical functions? And why should they be performed? 2) What factors are to be considered for selecting mode of transport? Explain.
4.          Discus the various factors of performance measures of logistic activities.                                                                                 OR
5.          Explain briefly the basic principles of logistics costing.
Model Test-2
Section A:
1.          Explain the importance of logistics decisions in improving the profitability of an organization.
2.          What is warehousing? Why do organizations use warehouses in spite of the obvious additional costs?
3.          Explain the four levels of information functionality
1.        Write Short notes on any five of following:-                             
1.1. Concepts of DRPI & DRPII and how these concepts are used in Logistical Management.
1.2. Elements of Customer Service?
1.3. How logistical strategy is relevant to business?
1.4. Enumerate various phases in logistical planning
1.5. Explain the difference between consumer and logistics oriented packaging.
1.6. Why is safety stock necessary?
2.          What is Selective Inventory control? What are various methods adopted in Selective Inventory control policy?                                       OR
3.        Explain a) Why has logistics recently been receiving more attention as a strategic function of the organization? B) Explain various pricing factors for transportation.
4.          What are the objectives of logistical performance measurement? Describe the components of internal and external performance measurement.                                                             OR
5.          Explain the concept of mission based costing. What are its benefits?
Model Test-3
Section A:
1.          Define logistics and its mission? Explain the competitive advantage available through Logistics?
2.          Explain various factors deciding the number of warehouses. Also discuss the basic layout and design objectives of a warehouse
3.          Design an information system suitable for logistics objectives catering to order processing
1.        Write Short notes on any five of following:-                             
1.1. Significance of 7-R rule in Customer Service
1.2. Advantages of Traditional costing method
1.3. What are logistical decisions
1.4. “Material handling does not add value to product but it adds cost”.
1.5. Functions of Inventory Management
1.6. levels of measurement and information flow
2.        What are different methods available for improving inventory management performance of an organization?                                               OR
3.          Explain                                                                                                                                                                   
3.1. Comment on Logistical Interfaces with production & marketing and their importance.
3.2. Briefly discuss any three modes of transportation with their relative advantages and disadvantages.
4.          Explain different objectives of developing and implementing performance measurement systems in integrated logistics                      OR
5.          What is meant by total cost approach? What are its basic features and elements?
Model Test-4
Section A:
1.          What is logistical competency? How is it developed in business?
2.          Explain important steps involved in lay out, design and site selection for a Model Warehouse.
3.          Detail the importance of information in logistics
1.        Write Short notes on any five of following:-                             
1.1. Customer Service Logistics
1.2. Activity Based costing
1.3. Factors of performance measures of logistic activities.
1.4. Principles of Warehouse designs?
1.5. Key measures of performance of logistics?
1.6. Bench marking and its use for performance appraisal in logistics management
2.        What is the role of Finished Goods Inventories in Physical Distribution System?                                                                  OR
3.          Explain                                                                                                                                                                   
3.1. Explain the evolution of integrated logistics and the factors influencing the evolution.
3.2. Critically examine various criteria in selection of transport carrier.
4.          Explain various guidelines for logistics performance categories and their measurements.                                            OR  
5.          What is conventional approach to costing? Explain the concept and implications.
Model Test-5
Section A:
1.          Explain the evolution of integrated logistics and the factors influencing the evolution
2.          Describe different types of warehouses & state their relative advantages & disadvantages to an organization.
3.          Explain the strategic role of information technology in logistics management
1.        Write Short notes on any five of following:-                             
1.1. Link between MRP & DRP systems in a Logistical system.
1.2. Basic features of total cost approach
1.3. Performance appraisal carried out in Logistics Function
1.4. significant features of Logistical Information System
1.5. Types of packaging.
1.6. Warehousing alternatives
2.        What is economic Order Quantity? State its assumptions and limitations                                                                                    OR
3.        Explain                    a) How logistics management helps organization in gaining competitive advantage to deliver superior customer service. b) What are the main functions of transportation? And explain its role in integrated logistical management.
4.          What are the elements of internal and external performance measurement system?                                                     OR
5.          Explain the strengths and applicability of Mission based costing in logistics                                                                             OR
Model Test-6
Section A:
1.          “Properly integrated outbound and inbound logistics can provide an efficient logistics system”. Explain.
2.          (a). What are the main objectives and functions of Warehousing? Explain. (b). what are the principles to be applied for designing efficient material handling system?
3.        What are the primary activities of LIS?
1.        Write Short notes on any five of following:-                             
1.1. Concepts of MRPI & MRPII and how these concepts are used in Logistical Management.
1.2. Importance of Customer service in competitive business scenario
1.3. Logistical Strategy and Planning
1.4. Functions of packaging
1.5. Q & P models or approaches
1.6. Activity Based Costing?
2.        Explain Perpetual and Periodic review methods of Inventory control.                                                                                          OR
3.        Explain 1) What is the role of Logistical Management in competitive business? 2) What is the importance of transportation activity in logistics management?
4.          What are the main objectives of logistical performance measurement? Explain.                                                                    OR
5.          What is Activity Based Costing? What are its advantages over the traditional costing methods?

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