Section I: Chapter:1
1) Scope of financial service industry and explain need for innovation
2) What are challenges faced by financial service sector?
3) Agencies providing financial services.
4) Reasons for Financial engineering
5) Fund based and Fee based services
6) Future of Financial service industry in India
Section I Chapter:2
7) Services offered by merchant bankers?
8) Scope and problem of merchant banking?
9) Compare Merchant banks with commercial banks
10) Scope and future of Merchant banking in India
11) Guidelines issued by SEBI towards Merchant banking
12) Scope of Growth and hurdles of Merchant banking in India
Section I Chapter:3
13) Define Venture Capital. Significance of Venture capital financing
14) Steps and scope of VC financing
15) Venture capital – advantages, disadvantages and features?
16) Feature of VC firm and explain Venture capital firms in India?
17) Methods of Venture capital financing and VC regulations in India
18) What are the eligibility to seek VC funding
19) Explain choosing VC fund and steps in seeking same
20) Exit mechanism in Venture capital financing
Section I Chapter:4
21) Securitization of debt and its benefits
22) Types of securities under securitization
23) Operational mechanism of securitization
24) Key factors for Successful securitization and the demerits of securitization for economy
25) Types of Assets securitized in India and hurdles to securitization in India
26) Reasons for Unpopularity of securitization in India and scope to enhance popularity of securitization in India
27) Effects of Securitization on banks and economy
Section 1 Chapter:5
28) Explain Credit rating regulations in India
29) Credit Rating Agencies in India
30) Credit rating Process and Who are the beneficiaries of credit rating
31) Benefits and limitations of credit rating process.
Section II :Chapter:6
32) Leasing and Hire Purchase – Contents and Agreement.
33) Hire purchase and Leasing – Distinction?
34) Define HP agreement and terms of agreement
35) Types of leasing – Operating v/s Financial lease.
36) Advantages and disadvantages of Leasing
Section II Chapter:7
37) What are derivatives? Importance and demerits?
38) What are features of Derivative markets? Risk involved in derivative market? What are the motives to trade in derivatives?
39) Derivatives – swaps, option, futures, forwards (distinction)
40) Explain with example Option & Futures in various markets
41) Features of Financial derivatives
42) Features of futures and types of futures
43) Features of options and types of options
44) Compare Forwards and Futures & Compare Futures and options
Section II Chapter:8
45) Advantages and disadvantages, of discounting and forfeiting and international factoring
46) What is discounting and what are the conditions to be fulfilled to discount a Bill?
47) What is factoring? Explain Factoring Modus operandi (process of factoring with diagram)
48) Types of factoring, Costs & Benefits of factoring
49) Distinguish between with resource factoring and without resource factoring
50) Distinguish between factoring and Bill Discounting, Distinguish between factoring and forfeiting.
51) Factoring in India vs international factoring and what are the benefits of international factoring?
52) Explain Features and characteristics of Forfeiting. Benefits & Drawbacks of Forfeiting
Section III: Chapter:9
53) Credit cards Growth – type of credit cards.
54) Benefits & Demerits of credit cards
55) Financial features of credit cards.
56) Benefits, advantages, disadvantages and facilities offered by credit cards.
Section II Chapter:10
57) Define Mutual funds and explain Risks in mutual fund dealings
58) Explain origin and classification of Mutual funds
59) Mutual fund 200 and the reforms
60) Explain Importance of Mutual funds & Reasons for slow growth of MF.
61) Classification of Mutual funds
62) Explain Selection of Mutual funds by investor and role of commercial banks in mutual funds
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