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Tuesday, 25 December 2012

RM-FM selection one sample example

Finance1. Mututal fundsPerception of investors1. Type of research 2. Sampling area: 3. population 4. sample size 5. sampling design 6. primary data 7. secondary data 8.  Research instruments 9. Research analytical toolsThe basic objective of the study is to analyze the quality of financial institutions
in ____________giving the investment expertise to the mutual fund
Factors impacting investmentThere is no significant difference about investor’s  perception and financial expertise of the mutual fund services providers amongst investors classified by
Investment factors1. Technology:   Builds the access to the knowledge portals with increased speed 2. Innovation  : More creative  options of investment created   3. Counseling  Gives the security to the investor   developed  4. Motivation  Builds the positive attitude  5. Quality information Builds the empowerment
6. Collaboration  Increases the learning and networking  7. Commercialization  Use of knowledge in the industry  8. Information technology Builds the virtual teams and makes the investor emop  9. Marketing strategies Connects to the society and builds the faith  10. Globalization Exposure to the international environment    11. Government support  Builds the quality and faith with better assurance  12. Certification  Increases the credibility
To determine the impact of mutual fund investment on investor’s perceptions
and satisfaction
Impact of MF investmentThere is no significant difference about investor’s  perception and mututal fund performance classified by
Impact of MF investment1. contribution to owners : growth, profitability, realization of objectives and goals, development and innovation of new facilities, and cources 2. to investors: value added services, optimum cost, build loyalty, trust and faith, safe and secured returns 3. to society: giving liquidity for companies for business performance, building pool of savings, better r&d to new products of investments
To frame   the suggested strategy for providing the quality investment
products through the mutual funds.  
Risk assessmentThere is no significant difference about investor’s  perception and mututal fund risks classified by
Risks Country risk ,  Credit risk , Currency risk , Interest rate risk,Liquidity risk , Market risk 
2. Stock marketPerception of investors1. Type of research 2. Sampling area: 3. population 4. sample size 5. sampling design 6. primary data 7. secondary data 8.  Research instruments 9. Research analytical tools     
Perception of Brockers     
3. Investment analysis/Portfolio mangementInvestors attitude     
Invetment objectives     
impact of market movements     
Financial statement fraud     
Towards commodity derivatives-Futures, forward, swaps etc     
Peoples preference as to investment     
Peoples preference as to portfolio     
Peoples preference as to industry     
Corproate governance     

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