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Thursday, 28 May 2020

Business plan and a growth plan

A good business plan reveals how you would use the bank loan or investment you are asking for. A small business owner’s business plan is the tool that describes why the business was established, what problem it will resolve in the marketplace and how the company will bring about a solution to resolve that problem in a way that allows it to earn sufficient revenue and become solvent within the first five years.  Similar to your business plan, a growth plan can include: Your company's mission. Your long-term vision and strategic goals;

Growth Plans can be compared to Business Plans and Strategic Plans. Writing a growth plan is very similar to writing a business plan. However, a growth plan focuses specifically on expansion and how you're going to achieve it. Creating a useful plan takes time, but the effort can pay off substantially by keeping your growth efforts on track. A business plan plays a key role in allocating resources throughout a business. It is a tool that can help you attract new funds or that you can use as a strategy document. 

The most successful business owners establish a growth plan that looks beyond the initial business plan and translates the vision into measurable actionable items, including the design and planning of business processes and people development to ensure the goals that are established can be attained with the operations and team that are in place. Once the plan is conceived, share it with every worker in the company and strategic partners, such as bankers, chartered accountants, financial advisers, legal counsel, to facilitate feedback that will help the business reach its goals.

(Source: Research articles and web Search )

Role Personality and True personality

Role personality

True personality

(1)       We term role personality as our role model.

(1)       True personality refers to what we are i.e. It indicates or own personality.

(2)       Role personality has certain personality traits which we try to incorporate in our life.

(2)       We always try to manipulate our personality but in the end it is our personality which gets reflected.

(3)       We try to create a swot analysis of role personality and try to fit ourselves in that range.

(3)       We always try to bridge the gap between our personality and role personality.

(4)       We always try to keep our role personality in focus and act accordingly to his role i.e. We try to fit ourselves in his/her role.

(4)       True personality can be modified and can be improved.

(5)       Role personality continues to establish themselves a role model for others and thus hardly any scope for them to get manipulated.

(5)       Sometimes our own personality keeps on changing due to external control, but in the end if leads us to confusion.

(Source:  267-268    Vipul’sTM Indian Ethos in Management (BMS) (CHI))

Excel Key Board shortcuts: Excel Editing shortcuts

Happy morning students. Today let us learn keyboard editing excel shortcuts :
Keyboard shortcuts
Editing shortcuts
F2 Edit active cell
F3 Paste name into a formula
F4 Toggle references
ALT + ENTER Start a new line within the same cell
SHIFT + F2 Insert or edit cell comment
SHIFT + F10 Display shortcut menu (i.e. same as right click)
SHIFT + F11 Insert worksheet
CTRL + F3 Defne a name for a cell
CTRL + D Fill down (e.g. copy formula down in selected cells)
CTRL + R Fill right
CTRL + SHIFT + A Insert argument names and parentheses for a
function after typing a function name in a formula
SHIFT + SPACEBAR Select entire row
ALT + I + R Insert row
ALT + I + C Insert column

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Activity for the day: Answer true or false

The dictionary meaning of stress is “pressure or tension exerted on a material object” or “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances”. Stress is a disturbance in equilibrium experienced by mental and/or physical body due to the pressure or tension resulting from difficult or challenging circumstances. If not handled appropriately, could lead to severe mental and health complications in the long run. Today just try your awareness related to stress. Answer the following true or false questions. You can just put in the comment line answers.(True: 2,____________ ; False: 1,________)      
(1)     Stress is always negative.

(2)     Stress is situational.
(3)     PTSD means post traumatic stress disorder.
(4)     Deep breathing is called Pranayama.
(5)     Meditation doesn’t help to manage stress.
(6)     Good people always lose their composure.
(7)     Proper time management helps in managing stress.
(8)     Sadhana doesn’t help manage stress.
(9)     Food can’t relieve stress.
(10)   Thoughts and Breathing are directly proportional.

Ethical Immunization thoughts-Dr.Chi

Ethical immunization thoughts from Drushtantakalikasatakam
Good people never lose their serenity even in the worst distress. Even while burning camphor emanates fragrance.(Drushtantakalikasatakam - 37)
Ethical immunization thoughts from ViduraNiti
One that restrains the force of both anger and joy, and never loses composure under pressure, easily obtains prosperity. (ViduraNiti-73)
Health, freedom from debt, living in one's own home, companionship with good people, regular employment, and living without fear, these six, comprise human happiness.(ViduraNiti-87)
These six qualities should never ever be neglected, viz., truth, liberality, diligence, benevolence, forgiveness and patience. (ViduraNiti-118)
Ethical immunization thoughts from Bhagavath Geetha
Whose mind remains calm amidst sorrows, whose thirst for pleasures has altogether disappeared and who is free from over passion, fear and anger attains the goal faster. (Bhagavath Geetha - 2/56)
Over ambition, anger and greed are the triples gates for the hell and they will ruin everything in one’s life if not properly controlled. (Bhagavath Geetha - 16/21)
Ethical immunization thoughts Nityneeti
Good health, woundless body, freedom from debt, sinlessness, independence, lack of worry and unassailable belief in God if these are present, it is Heaven itself. (Nityneeti- 157)

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Activity: It is not outdated buddy!

(1)     ‘ekam satya bahuda vidanti’
(a)     Satyam Shivam Sundaram
(2)     Physical and mental sufferings Produced by natural and intra-organic causes
(b)     Self-recognition
(3)     Physical and mental sufferings Produced by natural and extra - organic causes
(c)     SRT Guna
(4)     Physical and mental sufferings produced by super natural and extra - Organic causes
(d)     Purushartha
(5)     Goals of Life
(e)     Aadhidaivika
(6)     Quality of Human nature
(f)      Aadhibhautika
(7)     Atmaa vaa are drshtavya
(g)     Aadhyaatmika
(8)     Enjoyment with renunciation
(h)     Oneness


The Ramayana is not just an epic or a tale, but also an educational medium to demonstrate the importance of values such as loving and respecting our family, keeping our promises, protecting the weak and so on. Important values and ethics can be taught to children by way of storytelling. The Ramayana and Mahabharata especially, preach a lot of values that we would want our children to imbibe. Not for nothing, are they the most commonly taught epics since ancient times. Ramayana teaches.
(1)      Sibling bonding: Learned from Ramayana sibling bonding as to deep affection can be cultivated only when we encourage such growth, and keep emphasizing the importance of love among-st siblings.
(2)      Differentiating between Good and Evil: Children can be inspired to choose right over wrong, even when wrong may feel more appropriate by giving them the example of Bharat, who was awarded the honour of ruling the mighty kingdom of Ayodhya.
(3)      Importance of a Promise or Commitment: For example Dasaratha fulfils promise to kaikeyi, Rama goes to Vanavas to fulfil his father’s promise, and many more.
(4)      Affection and Reverence for Parents: Rama willingly chose to spend 14 years in exile in a forest to protect his father’s much respected honour. Such was the honour he paid to his father.
(5)      Be Warned of Bad Advice: Kaikeyi was manipulated by her maid servant Manthara whom she considered loyal and wise.
(6)      Defending the Weak: Jatayu episode teaches us that they must always stand up for the weak. The fact that Jatayu was so old and still tried to take on the powerful Ravana single-handedly, teaches our children to be courageous and be unafraid to take on any challenge that comes along the way, and accomplish it to the best of ability.
(Source: Vipul’sTM Indian Ethos in Management (BMS) (CHI) page 294-295)

Friday, 22 May 2020

Activity for the day

“When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.” -Albert Einstein

Today just write 1 to 4 lines according you, on the following: (You can also drop your answer in comment line of this blog)

  1. God
  2. Soul
  3. Meditation
  4. Life

Causes of Human sufferings as per yoga philosophy

       Causes of human sufferings: 
      Yoga Philosophy talks about five Causes of Sufferings:       (1) Ignorance-Root cause of all the other four.       (2) Arrogance.      (3) Attachment.      (4) Fear of Pain       (5) Fear of Death.
(1)      Ignorance: There are four types of ignorance: 
        (1)Wrong beliefs.
        (2)Believing pure which is impure and impure which is pure.
        (3) Believing the causes of unhappiness as causes of happiness, and causes of happiness as causes  of unhappiness. 
       (4) Treating living beings as non-living and non-living beings as living.
(2)     Arrogance: Considering oneself big and arrogant. One attains godly qualities only by being modest.
(3)     Attachment: Desire of doing it again, previously done fun things. When one understands that there is always a change in life than this problem goes away.
(4)  Jealousy: Getting angry by the achievements of others and thinking about the past painful experiences.
(5)   Fear of Death: All living beings want to stay alive and do not want to die. This is because of previous life’s experiences. All humans, animals, birds, insects fear death.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Fun time with Hindi Riddles!

Good After noon Bright Buddies,
Let us have some fun with Hindi Riddles, you can ask your family members too! Enjoy!
Answer in English ok, put in comment, just answer like 1. Ballons 2.       3. .....30. 
(1)   गोल है पर गेंद नहीं, पूँछ है पर पशु नहीं, पूंछ पकड़कर खेलें बच्चे, फिर भी मेरे आंसू निकलते?
(2)   ऊँट की बैठक, हिरन सी तेज चाल। वो कौन सा जानवर जिसके पूँछ बाल।
(3)   तीन अक्षर का मेरा नाम। उल्टा सीधा एक समान॥
(4)   1 लाल डिबिया में हैं पीले  खाने, खानों में  मोती के दाने?
(5)   जो करता है वायु शुद्ध, फल देकर जो पेट भरे, मानव बना है उसका दुश्मन, फिर भी वह उपकार करे?
(6)   धन-दौलत से बड़ी है यह, सब चीजों से ऊपर है यह, जो पाए पंडित बन जाए, बिन पाए मूर्ख रह जाए?
(7)   चौकी पर बैठी एक रानी, सिर पर आग बदन में पानी॥
(8)   फूल भी हूँ, फल भी हूँ और हूँ मिठाई, तो बताओ  क्या हूँ मैं भाई॥
(9)   जल से भरा एक मटका, जो है सबसे ऊँच लटका, पी लो पानी है मीठा, ज़रा नहीं है खट्टा॥
(10)              लाल हूँ, खाती हूँ मैं सूखी घास, पानी पीकर मर जाऊँ, जल जाए जो आए मेरे पास॥
(11)              सफेद तन हरी पूंछ, बुझे तो नानी से पूछ॥
(12)              चार अक्षर का मेरा नाम, टिमटिम तारे बनाना काम, शादी, उत्सव या त्योहार, सब जलाएँ बार-बार।  
(13)              कान घुमाए बंद हो जाऊँ, कान घुमाए खुल जाता हूँ, रखता हूँ मैं घर का ख्याल, आता हूँ मैं सब के काम, कोई बताए मेरी नाम॥
(14)              आदि कटे तो गीत सुनाऊँ, मध्य कटे तो संत बन जाऊँ, अंत कटे साथ बन जाता संपूर्ण सबके मन भाता
(15)              मुझे उलट कर देखो, लगता हूँ मैं नौ जवान, कोई अलग रहता मुझसे, बच्चा, बूढ़ा और जवान॥
(16)              पैर नहीं हैं, पर चलती रहती, दोनों हाथों से अपना मुंह पोंछती रहती।
(17)              लोहा खींचू ऐसी ताकत है, पर रबड़ मुझे हराता है, खोई सूई मैं पा लेता हूँ, मेरा खेल निराला है
(18)              तुम बुलाओ मैं जाऊँगी, भाड़ा किराया दूँगी, घर के हर कमरे में रहूँगी, पकड़ मुझको तुम पाओगे, मेरे बिन तुम रह पाओगे, बताओ मैं कौन हूँ?
(19)              पत्थर पर पत्थर, पत्थर पर पैसा। बिना पानी के घर बनाए, वह कारीगर कैसा।।
(20)              कान हैं पर बहरी हूँ, मुँह है पर मौन हूँ। आँखें हैं पर अंधी हूँ, बताओ मैं कौन हूँ।।
(21)              हरी थी, मन भरी थी, लाख मोती जड़े थी। राजाजी के बाग में, दोशाला ओढ़े खड़ी थी।।
(22)              बिन खाए, बिन पिए, सबके घर में रहता हूँ, ना हँसता हूँ, ना रोता हूँ, घर की रखवाली करता हूँ।।
(23)              काला रंग मेरी है शान, सबको मैं देता हूँ ज्ञान। शिक्षक करते मुझ पर काम, नाम बताकर बनो महान।।
(24)              टोपी है हरी मेरी, लाल है दुशाला। पेट में अजीब लगी, दानों की माला।।
(25)              सर है, दुम है, मगर पाँव नहीं उसके। पेट है, आँख है, मगर कान नहीं उसके।।
(26)              सींग हैं पर बकरी नहीं, काठी है पर घोड़ी नहीं। ब्रेक हैं पर कार नहीं, घंटी है पर किवाड़ नहीं।।
(27)              एक राजा की अनोखी रानी। दुम के रास्ते पीती पानी।।
(28)              एक वस्तु को मैंने देखा, जिस पर हैं दाँत। बिना मुख के बोलकर, करे रसीली बात।।
(29)              नाक को पकड़कर, खींचता है कान। कोई नहीं इसे कुछ कहता, बताओ उसका नाम।।
(30)              एक फूल है काले रंग का, सिर पर सदा सुहाए। तेज धूप में वो खिल जाता, छाया में मुरझाए।।