Unit I: Brief question
indian ethos. Explain with example its distinctive characteristics influencing
management practices in india and abroad.
, april - 2010 ; Discuss indian ethos and explain how it is influencing
the management and business practices in india. october
- 2009 ; Discuss indian ethos and explain how it is influencing the
management and business practices in india.
, april - 2012
correlation between nature, human mind and society. How does it help in
building human capital? october - 2003 ; Discuss the correlation between
nature human mind and society. How does it help in building human capital? , april - 2009
a comparative study of valve systems practiced in america, china and japan. , april - 2004
any five critical aspects of the indian ethos need to be imbibed by an
international company seeking to set up business in india. , april - 2005
might someone argue that whistle blowing is morally permitted? Argue your
answer with reference to the act of whistle blowing by satyendra dubey in the
case of golden quadrilateral project. ,
april - 2004
Unit II: Brief question
and meditation can bring down the stress, and increase performance levels"
- discuss. , april – 2008 ; Yoga
practice and managerial effectiveness april – 2010
of the reflections of indian thought on corporate leadership of family managed
business in india. , april – 2010 ;
Discuss the concept of family managed business and karta leadership in
brief. october - 2009
and explain transformational leadership giving suitable indian examples. october
- 2007 ; Describe the concept of
"transformational leadership". Explain the concept with at indian
perspective. , april – 2004 ; Describe
the concept of transformational leadership with an example. , april – 2012 ; Describe the concept of
transformational leadership. Explain the concept with an indian
perspective. october - 2004 ; Explain the concept of
transformational leadership style with reference to the indian management
thoughts with one corporate example. ,
april – 2009
Discuss the ideal qualities of a corporate leader, quoting examples from indian
epics and mythology. october - 2011 ; Leadership: Enumerate the various
styles of leadership, giving suitable examples from both indian industry and
mythology. , april – 2011 ; Leadership:
In your view which leadership theory is most effective in india? Explain. , april – 2006 ; Leadership: Write about
motivation and leadership from the indian perspective. , april - 2008
10. Learning: Briefly
explain the importance of learning an organisation. What are different
mechanisms of learning? october
- 2004 ;
11. What are the
benefits of learning to individuals, organization and society? , april - 2012
12. Learning:
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of gurukul and modern systems of
learning. , april – 2005 ; Learning:
What are the essential differences between the traditional indian nature of
learning and modern methods of learning?
october - 2006 ; Make a
comparative study of the gurukul system and modern system of education. october
- 2005
13. Meditation and
managerial decisionmaking. april - 2010
14. Analyse the
concept of motivation in the indian context and compare it with the western
concept. , april – 2003 ; Analyse the concepts of inspiration and
motivation in the indian context and compare them with the western
concepts. , april – 2009 ; Analyze the concepts of inspiration and
motivation in the indian context and compare them with the western
concepts. october - 2005
15. Motivation: Compare
and contrast maslow's hierarchy of needs & the concept of purusharthas as
theories of motivation. october
- 2011
16. Motivation: Explain
the indian approach to motivation in management visàvis the american approach. , april - 2011
17. Motivation: How
can indian motivation theory be applied to boost efficiency of a business
manager? october - 2003 ; Suggest suitable motivational
practices that can be adopted by indian corporate houses. october
- 2007
18. Personality:
Discuss personality development in relation to srt gunas. october
- 2011 ;
19. Distinguish
between role personality and true personality.
, april - 2012
20. Personality: Inner
personality development as per indian view. April – 2010 ; Who is a mentor?
Describe the importance of mentor in transforming an organisation. , april - 2008
21. Inner reality
and self management april – 2010 ; One who cannot manage self cannot manage
anything. Do you agree? Suggest different strategies for self management. , april – 2005
22. Is business
excellence possible without compromising on integrity, quality and economy and
profitability? Give suitable indian examples. october
- 2007
23. To be
successful, a professional manager should have the pace of west and the grace
of east". Explain the statement with a comparative study of value systems
of the east and the west. , april - 2005
Unit III: Brief question
24. Explain the
correlation between the nature and a human society. , april – 2005 ; How do indian management
thoughts harmonise human values, environment, culture and society? october
- 2006
25. Socio-cultural: Discuss
the indian management styles and systems in consonance with her own cultural
ethos. october
- 2004
26. Socio-cultural: Discuss
the synthesis between nature, society and business in the indian context. , april - 2007
27. Socio-cultural:Discuss
the significance of religion and festivals for developing teamsprit and
creativity in management. , april -
28. Socio-cultural:Explain
the indian festivals and its importance.
, april - 2012
29. What do you
understand by role model? Describe its importance in transforming an
organisation. october
- 2006
30. What roles does
indian corporate can play to harmonise human values, culture and society? , april - 2010
31. Values in indian
culture are evolved from the deep truth of man, life and nature."
elucidate the statement. october
- 2009
32. Values in indian
ethos are evolved from deepest truths of man, life and nature." do you
agree with this statement? Comment. ,
april – 2003
33. How does indian
management thoughts harmonise the environment and human society? , april - 2004
Unit IV: Brief question
34. Explain the meaning
of 'dharma'. How is 'dharma' different from 'religion? , april – 2012
35. Explain how
selfless work can improve quality of work life and productivity in the
organisation. october - 2009 ; Explain the distinctive
characteristics of indian ethos and explain how they are important to a
professional manager. october - 2005 ;
36. How can selfless
work ethics increase the productivity of business? Discuss in the light of
nishkaam karma concept. october
- 2003
37. Explain how an
organisation can achieve corporate excellence through business ethics. october
- 2004 ; Explain how an organisation can achieve corporate excellence
through business ethics? , april – 2009
; For achieving behavioral change the core values of individuals have to be
addressed". Discuss this statement in the context of indian
organisations. , april – 2004 ; Explain
how inner peace contributes to the performance of a manager in a stressful
corporate life. Suggest specific strategies for developing inner peace. october
- 2005 ; Explain how inner peace contributes to the performance of an
indian manager in a stressful corporate life.
, april - 2003
38. Explain briefly
the law of karma. , april - 2012
39. Organisation is
a living entity having collective consciousness heart and mind". Do you
agree? If yes, discuss management practices reflecting indian values. october
- 2009
40. Organisation,
society and nature are living entities having collective consciousness, heart
and mind." comment on this statement.
, april – 2003 ; Organizations, institutions as well as nations are
living entities having collective consciousness of heart and mind" -
explain in detail. october - 2005 ; Organisations are strengthened by
practice of individual and collective ethics". Discuss this statement and
explain business manager's role in ecobalance. october
- 2003
41. What according
to you are the qualities and traits of an ideal leader? Explain giving suitable
indian examples. , april - 2007
42. What are
different types of conflicts? How do they arise and what are the methods of
resolving them? , april - 2006
43. What are the
essential difference in management practices as followed in india and western
countries? october - 2006 ; What are the essential differences
in management practices between traditional organisations and modern
organisations? , april – 2006 ; What
differences exist in the practices of management in traditional and modern type
of organisations. , april - 2008 ; How
does indian management thoughts contribute to managerial effectiveness?
Discuss. october - 2003
44. How does stress
affect performance? How it can be controlled through yoga and meditation? , april - 2006
45. How might solve
one argue that whistle blowing is morally permitted? Argue your answer with
reference to the act of "whistle blowing" by salyendra dabey in the
case of golden quadrilateral project. october
- 2004
- april - 2009
(akhand ananda).- october - 2004 ;
bliss (ananda).- october - 2003 ; bliss
or moksha. - april – 2005 ; bliss. - april – 2008; bliss (anand). - april –
2006 ; bliss (ananda)- october - 2007
;the bliss (ananda). - april – 2012 ;
accountability - april – 2012
;corporate accountability. - april - 2004
governance. - april – 2009 ; corporate governance. - october - 2004
karma - april - 2012 Doctrine of karma.-
october - 2003;
social responsibility.- october - 2006
thinking - april - 2010
- april - 2006
10) Detached
involvement. - april – 2004; detached
involvement.- october - 2009
11) Dharma - april –
2012 ; dharma.- october - 2005;dharma.-
october - 2007
12) dharma visàvis
profit. - april – 2012; dharma visàvis
profit.- october - 2011 ;
13) Divinity. -
april – 2005;divinity.- october -
2004;divinity.- october -
2005;divinity.- october - 2006 ;
divinity. - april - 2007
14) Ecological
balance. - april – 2003 ; Ecological
responsibility. - april - 2010
15) Ethical dilemma.
- april – 2008 ;ethical dilemma. - april - 2006
16) Ethics. - april
- 2005
17) four varnas. -
april - 2006
18) Gandhian
trusteeship.- october - 2007 ;
gandhiji's philosophy of trusteeship. - april - 2009
19) Grihasthashram.
- april - 2012
20) Gunas - april -
21) Hinduism. -
april - 2012
22) Indian
management thought. - april – 2003; Indian thought.- october - 2009
23) Indian
productivity.- october - 2003
24) Individual karma
& corporate karma. - april - 2011
25) Inner
personality.- october - 2009
26) Integrity.-
october - 2006
27) Islam - april - 2012
28) Jainism. - april
- 2012
29) Karma siddhant
and productivity - april – 2010 ; karma siddhant and productivity - april –
2012; karma siddhant and productivity.- october - 2009
30) Karma. - april - 2004 ;karma. - april – 2009;
karma.- october - 2005; karma.- october - 2007;
31) karta. - april –
2007 ; Karta. - april - 2008
32) Koshas. - april
- 2012
33) Kundalini
(sacrum bone).- october - 2005
34) Leadership. -
april - 2008
35) Maya
36) Meditation
(dhyana) - april – 2003; Meditation. -
april – 2005; meditation. - april – 2009; meditation.- october - 2005
37) Mental health.-
october - 2003
38) Mentoring -
april - 2012
39) Methods of
learning. - april - 2009
40) Mind management
by practice of yoga. - april - 2003
41) Moksha through
karma yoga. - april - 2011
42) Motivating
others.- october - 2006
43) Narmada bachao
andolan.- october - 2007
44) Nishkaam karma.
- april – 2007; nishkama karma. April - 2005 doctrine of nishkama karma. -
april - 2003
45) Organisation
culture. - april - 2006
46) Panchakoshas.-
october - 2011
47) Peace through
yoga.- october - 2006
48) Potential
divinity. - april – 2009; Potential divinity.- october - 2003
49) Pranayam and
efficiency at work. - april - 2010
50) Principle of
divinity.- october - 2009
51) Purusharth model
- april – 2010; purushartha model. - april - 2012
52) Qualities of
king as a ceo. - april - 2005
53) Quality of work
life. - april – 2009; quality of work life.- october - 2009
54) Raj guru as
ethical advisor.- october - 2006
55) Raj rishi model
of leadership.- october - 2007
56) Rina in dharma.
- april - 2011 Runa (indebtedness).- october
- 2003
57) Role of karta.-
october - 2011
58) Role of women in
india. - april - 2012
59) Sahaj seva
(service attitude)- october - 2006
60) Samsara - april
- 2012
61) self motivation.
- april – 2006;;
62) Self realisation.-
october - 2009; self realisation -
april – 2012; self realization - april – 2012;
63) selfmanagement -
april – 2012; selfmanagement.- october
- 2003
64) Service
attitude. - april - 2006
65) Social audit. -
april – 2006; social audit. - april – 2008; social audit.- october - 2007
66) Social
responsibility.- october - 2009
67) Spirituality -
april – 2012; spirituality. - april – 2005; spirituality.- october - 2005
68) Srt gunas -
april – 2008 ; Srt gunas. - april –
2009; srt gunas. - april – 2003; srt gunas. - april – 2005 ; srt gunas. - april
– 2007; srt gunas.- october - 2005;
69) Svadharma.-
october - 2011 ;swadharm.- october - 2009 ; swadharma - april – 2003; swadharma (ethico morality)-
october - 2003 ;swadharma. April - 2005
70) Trusteeship. -
april – 2005; trusteeship.- october -
71) Vasudaiyva
kutumbakam (family of god).- october -
2005; vasudev kutumbakam. - april – 2012 ;vasudhaiva kutumbakam &
globalisation. - april - 2011
72) Yoga - april – 2012 ; yoga. April – 2005 ; yoga.-
october - 2007
Short notes
the king so the people - april - 2010
and detachment.- october - 2005
ethics and corporate governance. - april - 2008
of individual karma and corporate karma. - april - 2008
v/s depersonification. - april – 2004
the impact of indian culture heritage on the youth - april - 2007
between functional and dysfunctional conflict.- october - 2007
between role personality and true personality.- october - 2007
between the modern and gurukul system of - april – 2007
10) Distinguish
between value and skills.- october -
11) Five sheaths
& individual personality. - april - 2011
73) Guru vs mentor.-
october - 2003
12) Gurukul
learning.- october - 2009 ; Gurukul
system & a learning organization.- october
- 2011
13) Holistic
approach to personality development. - april - 2007
14) How can
organisational productivity be increased by value driven indian
management? - april - 2003
15) Indian cultural
heritage - april – 2003 ; indian
cultural heritage. - april - 2008
16) Indian ethics.-
october - 2003 ; Indian ethos in
management. - april – 2011 ; Indian insight.- october - 2003
17) Indian
leadership.- october - 2003
18) Indian learning
self control mind stilling.- - april - 2003
19) Is there a
conflict in the value system of east and west?" make a comparative study
between value system of india,- october
- 2007
20) Karmayoga &
bhaktiyoga.- october - 2011
21) Karta in family
managed business.
22) Krishna as a
management guru.
23) Leadership
qualities, according to indian management thoughts.- october - 2005
24) Leadership style
of family managed indian business.
74) Management by
indian values.- october - 2003
75) Maya in advaita
vedanta.- october - 2011
25) Meditation of
ashtanga yoga. - april – 2012; meditation of ashtanga yoga.- october - 2011
26) Productivity
improvement through imtp. - april – 2006
27) Purushartha
model. - april - 2009
28) Selfactualisation
v/s selfrealization.- october - 2004; ;
self actualization v/s selfrealization. - april – 2003;
29) Significance of
indian festivals - april - 2012
30) Srt mind mix.-
october - 2009
31) Stress
management through yoga and meditation. - april – 2007; stress management
through yoga. - april - 2011
32) Success in life
from indian perspective. - april - 2008
33) Sustainable
development through imtp. - april - 2003
34) The corporate
karma. - april - 2007
35) The dharmic
leardership. - april - 2007
36) The social
harmony. - april - 2007
37) The sustainable
development. - april - 2007
38) The three gunas
srt.- october - 2006
39) Theory of
dharma. - april – 2008 ;
40) theory of
karma.- october - 2006
41) Transactional
leadership. - april - 2011
42) Values and
skills. - april – 2004; values and
skills.- october - 2005
43) What are the
different religions? Explain their importance - april – 2012
44) Work ethics vs.
Ethics in work.- october - 2004
45) Write about
motivation and leadership from the indian perspective. - april – 2012
46) yoga and
meditation.- october - 2009 ;
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