1. Take tests - Why
do we push things into memory. Because, we would like to recall it when the
need arises. How do you know you will be able to recall when you need it?
Simple, Take tests periodically and makes repeated attempts in recalling.
Regular recall improves memory.
2. Take breaks - If
you have 3.5 hours to read, break it into 4 parts: 45 minutes followed by a 5
to 10 minute break. Studies indicate that you can't concentrate for more than
45 minutes.
3. Sleep on it - What
you review immediately before going to sleep is what your brain will most
quickly and efficiently file away. So review just before sleep.
4. Relax -The Thinking
Brain functions best when you are relaxed and free from stress.
5. Reading habits - Read out
loud; don't bother if it disturbs others at home. Walk while you read; don't
bother if it disturbs your others at home.
6. Draw charts. Write and rewrite key
ideas and formula.
7. Use flash cards - Flash
cards facilitate constant review and instantly help to check output. Rules,
principles, formulae should all go into it.
8. Revision - You
should revise shortly after the learning period. At first, say within 10
minutes after learning and then, again, within the next 24 hours. The reason:
when you finish learning, the brain has not had enough time to organise and
store everything. It needs a few minutes to store, organise and integrate the
data. Studies show that 82% of what you learn today can be forgotten in 24
hours if you do not make a special effort to remember it.
9. Interest
is the mother of attention and attention is the mother of memory.
10. The
best way to remember is to repeat; and the best way to repeat is to “teach”
some one else.
11. If
exhaustion or drowsiness comes on frequently, take some phosphate tonic,
preferably kali phos 6x or 12x prescribed by homoeopaths.
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