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Sunday, 9 October 2011

BMS- HRM set 2

The main objective of HRM is ensuring the availability of right people for right
jobs so as to achieve organizational objectives effectively.
HRM has many objectives such as i) societal objectives ii) organizational
objectives iii) functional objectives and (iv) personal objectives. The various sub
functions border on legal compliance, benefits, smooth union-management relationship,
Human Resource planning, Selection, training and development, appraisal, placement,
assessment, appraisal, placement, and compensation.
Though personnel management and HRM in general parlance are interchangeably
used there are subtle differences. PM is a routine maintenance oriented administrative
function whereas HRM places emphasis on a continuous development of people at work.
PM takes a narrow view of its scope and objectives. It concentrates mainly on improving
the efficiency of personnel in isolation of the organization. But HRM takes a systems
view and attempts not only in making people efficient but also in creating proper
organizational culture. HRM is being used to develop competitive advantages and
therefore its role in strategic management is the continuous process of relating the
organization with its environment by suitable course of action involving strategy
formulation and its implementation.
Both internal and external environments have a special bearing on HRM practices.
The internal environment includes,
i. Trade Unions
ii. Organizational culture and conflicts
iii. Professional bodies
External environment chiefly consists of
a) Economic factors
b) Political factors
c) Technological factors
d) Demographic factors.
HR practices are significant in achieving corporate excellence.
Government has a positive role to play in developing the HR. It is macro level
development. Legislations and schemes for technicals and entrepreneurs are other
MNCs have become a significant force in trade, business and industry. In view of
MNCs operations with a very wide network spread to different nations, language and
technical differences along with cultural variations the HRM practices for MNCs have
special features.

Manpower planning is the process including forecasting, developing,
implementing and controlling by which a firm ensures that it has the right number of
people and right kind of people at the right place, at the right time doing things for which
they are economically most suitable. HRP includes the estimation of how many qualified
people are necessary to carry out the assigned activities how many people will be
available, and what if anything must be done to ensure that personnel supply equals
personnel demand.
The HRP process consists of i) Forecasting, ii) Inventory, iii) Anticipatory
problems and iv) planning.
The various techniques of forecasting Human Resource are
i) Managerial Judgement Method
ii) Delphi Technique
iii) Work Study Technique
iv) Ratio – trend analysis
v) Statistical and Mathematical models.
There would be both short – term and long – term HR planning. Various factors
influencing HR planning are i) Government, ii) Social factors, iii) Economic factors, iv)
Technological factors.
HR department needs information accurately and in a short notice on the
a. Duties and responsibilities of every job.
b. Skills possessed by every employee.
c. Organization’s future needs of human resource.
d. Training needs
HRIS has computerized linking with all sub-systems. HRIS has both merits and a
few limitations. But HRIS is indispensable in developing and perfecting Human

1. Acquisition, storage and retrieval of information present a significant challenge to the
management. HRIS is basically used for
i. Storing information and data of each individual employee for future
ii. Providing a basis for planning, organizing, decision making and controlling
of human resource functions.
iii. To know regularity of attendance and absenteeism if any.
iv. For supplying data and returns to government and other statutory bodies.
2. Generally the important files are
i) Personnel administration, ii) Salary particulars, iii)
Leave/Absence Record, iv) Skill inventory, v) Medical history, vi) Accident
monitoring, vii) Performance appraisal, viii) Training and Development, ix)
HRP, x) Recruitment, xi) Career planning and, xii) Collective bargaining.

Recruitment, selection, placement, induction, training and development are all the
core functions of HRD. Recruitment is the process of locating, identifying and attracting
capable applicants. Both internal and external factors influence recruitment. Internal
factors are size of the organization, policy of the organization, usage of the jobs. External
factors are demographic factors labour market, unemployment situation and labour laws.
In recruitment both internal and external sources can be made use of. Selection
starts where recruitment ends. Selection is the process of differentiating between
applicants in order to identify those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. The
various selection process are i) Preliminary interview, ii) Application blank, iii) Selection
tests, iv) Selection interview, v) Reference checks,, vi) Physical examination and vii) Final
The different selection tests are ability tests and personality tests. After the tests,
interviews will be conducted. Reference checks physical examination and final selection
The selected candidates are placed in suitable positions. Placement involves
assigning a specific job to each of the selected candidates. Then they are inducted.
Induction is introducing the new employee to work surrounding and people already
working there. There is formal induction and informal induction.

1. According to Dale Yoder, “Recruitment is a process to discover the source of
manpower to meet the requirements of staffing schedule and to employ effective
measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective
selection of an efficient working force.”

3. Ability tests and personality tests. The different ability tests are i) Aptitudes
tests, ii) Achievement tests, iii) Intelligence tests, iv) Judgement tests. The
personality tests are a) Interest tests b) personality inventory tests c)
Projective tests and d) Attitude tests.
4. Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first
joins a company, and giving him basic information he needs to settle down quickly
and happily and start work. There can be formal induction and informal induction.

Difference between Recruitment and selection are:
1. Technically precedes selection /Selection follows recruitment
2. The process of identifying and encouraging potential candidates to apply for jobs in the organization/
Selection involves choosing the best out of those recruited
3. Recruitment is positive as it aims at increasing the number of job seekers (applications) for wider choice or increasing the selection ratio./ Selection on the other hand is negative in its application, as it rejects a large number of unqualified applicants in order to identify those who are suitable for the jobs.
4. Recruitment involves searching / Selection involves comparing those already searched.
Following are the pre-requisites.
A well defined recruitment policy.
A proper organizational structure.
A well-laid down procedure for locating potential job seekers.
A suitable method and technique for tapping these candidates.
Continuous assessment of effectiveness of recruitment programme.Ethical practice in recruitment policy and procedure.
The recruitment process consists of the following:
a) Recruitment Planning
b) Strategy development
c) Searching
d) Screening
e) Evaluation and control
Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of personnel by superiors or
others familiar with their performance. The objectives of performance appraisal is many
and varied. It may be for salary increase, promotion or to give feed back to employees. A
systematic performance appraisal consists of the following:
i. Defining objectives of appraisal.
ii. Defining appraisal norms.
iii. Designing appraisal programme.
iv. Implementing appraisal programme.
v. Feedback and
vi. Post appraisal actions.
There are several methods of performance appraisal. Some are traditional and a
few are modern and scientific. Under M.B.O, evaluation is done both by the superior and
the concerned employees.
Potential appraisal is needed to fill up future vacancies and to evaluate how many
of the employees have necessary skills and traits to occupy higher position and
responsibilities. Incidentally it will give feedback to employees to improve themselves for
future requirements.
The emerging HR trend in virtual organizations is both a challenge and opportunity
to HR experts. The virtual organization is a social network in which all the horizontal and
vertical boundaries are removed. The information and communication technology,
coordinates the activities, combines the workers skills and resource in order to achieve a
common goal.
The characteristics of virtual organization are power flexibility information
communication, flat organization, multidisciplinary team work where organizational
boundaries are vague.
Number of HR issues are involved in virtual organization. Recruitment of highly
skilled people, fast recruitment and sociability are some of the issues.
Selection of personnel for virtual organization, BPOs require special talent search.
MNCs have added a new dimension to HR functions.

Personnel Development (PD) involves investments of precious resources in people with
the hope that they would remain in the organization to contribute to the organization and
the society. Results of PD initiatives to an organization are numerous. While training and
development alone may not be serving as panacea for all organizational problems, the
whole range of interventions for PD carried out by a Personnel Department in association
with various internal and external consultants helps in increasing organizational stability,
promotes organizational learning, heightens performance and profitability, builds an
organizational climate of openness and trust, develops a culture of collaboration, boosts
organization’s image and leads to its overall vibrancy, pro-activity and development. PD is
the foundation on which an organization can confidently build its strengths. Full utilization
of human resources would ensure that the organization has the optimum number of
employees, the right level of skills, the requisite willingness and preparedness for moving
ahead with technological advancements and competitiveness. As Douglas McGregor puts
it, ‘the average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but to seek
Compensation is the underlying goal of paid employment. Every employee works for pay
and strives to maximize his earnings. Compensation is directly linked to productivity,
motivation and morale. Human Resource Development and Productivity are
complementary to each other. Motivation, the process of stimulating people through the
possibility of gain or reward, to take desired course of action in the interests of the
organization applying to the entire class of drivers, desires, needs, wishes and similar
forces. Motivation is enhanced by a fair and decent compensation, accompanied by any of
the proven incentive systems. A blend of motivation and competence in a system of high
standards of quality of work lives, would serve to help to achieve constant productivity
augmentation and prevention of dysfunctional stress and promotion of overall
organizational effectiveness.
The virtual organization is a social network in which all the horizontal and vertical
boundaries are removed. It consists of individuals working out of physically dispersed
workspaces, or individuals working from mobile devices and not tied to any workspace.
Virtual teams differ from face to face teams. They are
i. Absence of paraverbal and non-verbal cues.
ii. Limited social context.
iii. Ability to overcome time and space constraints.
2. HR issues – Recruitment, placement, power dispersal, compensation fixation etc.,
3. MNCs – Characteristics – special skill – adjustments – sociability – language
and cultural adjustment – communication skills.

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