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Monday, 17 October 2016

FSM question papers

Financial Services Management                                  Oct. - 2015

N.B.   (1)      All questions are compulsory.
          (2)      Figures to the right indicate full marks
(1)     Explain the following terms (any five):                                                   (15)
(a)       Financial Innovation
(b)       Derivatives
(c)        Mutual Fund
(d)       Operating Lease
(e)        Future Contract
(f)         Treasury Management
(g)       Pledge
(2)     (a)     Explain the scope and types of financial services.                         (8)
          (b)    Define ‘Merchant banking’ and explain its objectives and features.             (7)
          (c)     Explain the structure of leasing industry in India.                        (8)
          (d)    Highlight the difference between Hire purchase and
Leasing.                                                                                                       (7)

(3)     (a)     Explain the following types of Mutual Funds.                                (8)
(i) Close Ended (ii) Money Market Mutual Fund
(iii) Balance Fund (iv) Leverage Fund                                          
          (b)    Discuss the meaning and functions of factoring.                           (7)
          (c)     Describe the parties involved in Mutual fund operation.            (8)
          (d)    Define ‘forfeiting’ and discuss its merits and demerits.               (7)

(4)     (a)     State the structure of securitisation in detail.                                   (8)
          (b)    Explain the difference between forward and future contract.     (7)
          (c)     Define ‘Swap’ and explain its features.                                             (8)
          (d)    Describe the benefits of securitisation.                                               (7)

(5)     (a)     Explain the benefits of credit rating to the investors and companies.           (8)
          (b)    Discuss the meaning and scope of treasury management.         (7)
          (c)     Explain the following concepts in detail.                                          (8)
                   (i) Cost Centre (ii) Profit Centre

          (d)    Explain the advantages of Depository system.                               (7)

University Question Paper                                      Oct. – 2014

N.B.   (1) All questions are compulsory. (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(1)     Explain the following terms: (any five)                                                   (15)
          (a)     Financial Innovation.
          (b)    Loan Syndication.
          (c)     Export factoring.
          (d)    Closed Ended Mutual Fund.
          (e)     Hire Purchase System
          (f)     Derivatives
          (g)     Hypothecation.
(2)     (a)     Discuss the SEBI guidelines for merchant banking.                      (8)
          (b)    Explain the scope of financial services in detail.                            (7)
          (c)     Differentiate between financial lease and operating lease.          (8)
          (d)    What are the precautions to be taken by the subsidiary of a commercial bank engaged in the hire purchase business?                                                                                                     (7)
(3)     (a)     Outline the causes for slow growth of Mutual funds in India.   (8)
          (b)    Discuss the guidelines framed by Government of India for proper functioning of Mutual fund.        (7)
          (c)     Explain the benefits of factoring.                                                         (8)
          (d)    Elucidate the various functions performed by a factor.                (7)
(4)     (a)     Define Securitisation. Discuss its modus operandi.                      (8)
          (b)    Explain the benefits of Securitisation.                                                (7)
          (c)     Explain in brief the various types of options contract.                  (8)
          (d)    What is swap? Explain its features.                                                    (7)
(5)     (a)     Write a brief note on: CARE                                                                   (8)
          (b)    Explain the functions of Treasury Management.                           (7)
          (c)     Write a brief note on: NSDL                                                                   (8)
          (d)    Explain in detail limitations of Credit Rating.                                (7)
Old syllabus
Financial Services Management                                  Oct. - 2013

N.B.   (1)      All questions are compulsory.
          (2)      Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(1)     (a)     Explain the factors that determine financial services to be in-house or outsourced.                (8)
(b)    Discuss the scope for Merchant banking in India.                         (7)
          (c)     What is Hire Purchase Agreement as per. H.P. Act, 1972 and enumerate the contents of hire purchase agreement.   (8)
(d)    Define Leasing and explain the different type of Lease contracts. (7)

(2)     (a)     Explain the stages involved in seeking Venture Capital funding. (8)
          (b)    What are the factors that should be considered before selecting any mutual fund?                (7)
          (c)     Define International factoring and what are the benefits of such factoring.               (8)
          (d)    Define securitisation and briefly explain the types of assets that are securitised.     (7)

(3)     (a)     As an employee of renowned Rating Agency, what steps will you suggest to complete the process of credit rating.   (8)
(b)    Explain the financial features of credit card.                                   (7)
          (c)     Discuss the various kinds of financial derivatives and bring out their features in brief.        (8)
          (d)    Discuss the SEBI guidelines for Venture Capital in India.           (7)

(4)     Write notes on the following (Any three):                                               (15)
(a)       Role of SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle)
(b)       Full Service Factoring
(c)        CRISIL.
(d)       Debit Card.
Financial Services Management                            October - 2012

N.B.   (1)      All questions are compulsory.
          (2)      Figures to the right indicate full marks.
          (3)      For Q. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, answer either (a) and (b) OR (C) and (d)

(1)     (a)     What are the various agencies providing financial services? Briefly explain any three of them.         (8)
(b)    What are the differences between a Credit Card and a Debit Card?              (7)
          (c)     What are the various risks involved in investing in a Mutual Fund?           (8)
(d)    What are the steps required to be taken to enhance the popularity of securitization in India?             (7)

(2)     (a)     Compare Merchant Banks and Commerical Banks                      (8)
          (b)    Explain the various benefits of Credit Rating.                                 (7)
          (c)     What is an Options Contract? What are its characteristics?       (8)
          (d)    What are the benefits of Hire Purchasing from the Seller’s angle and from the Buyer’s angle?           (7)

(3)     (a)     What is International Factoring? What are its benefits?               (8)
(b)    What are the capital and financial advantages of Leasing?       (7)
          (c)     Define the following:                                                                             (8)
(i)        Venture Capital
(ii)      Venture Capital Fund
(iii)    Venture Capitalists
(iv)     Angel Investor
          (d)    What are the rights and facilities enjoyed by a Mutual Fund Investor?       (7)

(4)     Write short notes on any three of the following:                                  (15)
(a)       Contents of a Credit Card
(b)       Wet Lease
(c)        UTI Mutual Fund
(d)       Call Option and Put Option
(e)       ATM Card.